Is There a Secret Millionaire in Your Neighborhood?

Retiring Tina

Is There a Secret Millionaire in Your Neighborhood?

Apr 20, 2016

For a lot of us, the secret number that would make us feel rich is at the million dollar mark, and I think it has a lot to do with the title: millionaire. You might be surprised at how many people in our community can already lay claim to that title. They are small business owners, plumbers, contractors, and other people who practice a trade. They live in ordinary neighborhoods, drive sensible cars, and own modest homes. They have had some luck, but they’ve also made good and well-planned decisions.

There are three behaviors that are most strongly associated with the lives of these “secret millionaires.” They work for themselves, they live frugally, and they invest carefully. Now I know not everybody is able to or wants to work for themselves. I enjoy the comradery I’ve experienced in my career, so there’s 1 out of 3 that I won’t personally be crossing off the list. Still, numbers don’t lie, so if you’re looking to join the millionaire club yourself, here’s a closer look at those top three behaviors.

Working for yourself

In general, business owners tend to make more money than those people doing the same jobs for businesses they don’t own. There are simple economic reasons for this. Your employer makes money from your labor because they assume risk. You have a guaranteed salary paid to you every month. If the company you work for doesn’t make much money, you still get paid. The owner of the company does not have that guarantee.

Living frugally

The easiest way to identify a secret millionaire is by the kind of car they drive. Look for people driving late-model efficient sedans. The average person holds onto a car for just over seven years. The secret millionaire holds on to them as long as possible: 10 years on average. They also tend not to overspend on cars because they realize and understand that vehicles lose value over time while investment instruments gain value.

In short, secret millionaires live below their means. This is not to say their wealth is solely a result of their good decision-making. Anyone, including those on the path to making millions, can suffer from injury, accident, or other misfortune. What makes secret millionaires unique is the position they put themselves in to deal with these incidents should they occur. By living frugally, they can save and invest.

Investing carefully

These secret millionaires have one financial position in common: They all own stock. Most of them buy shares of large companies which pay regular dividends. The secret millionaire tends to reinvest these to increase the shares of stock they own. They also keep adding to their savings. They take advantage of compounding returns. Ten thousand dollars invested for 30 years at 8 percent turns into $100,000. In 50 years, that same $10,000 is $500,000. Secret millionaires are in the habit of paying the future before the present. They keep saving to build their personal wealth.

Secret millionaires aren’t luckier, smarter, or better born than the rest of us. A combination of good timing, hard work and modest living enabled them to amass their fortunes. The richest person in your neighborhood isn’t the one with the nicest car or the biggest house. It may, however, be the hardest worker, the one who values financial security above the trappings of wealth. Sounds like a lifestyle that I can get behind as I’m only a few months away from retirement. How about you?