Saving Up for Tomorrow: Fun Ways to Track Your Goals That Don't Even Use Excel

Claire the Afena Mom Blog

Saving Up for Tomorrow: Fun Ways to Track Your Goals That Don't Even Use Excel

Jul 12, 2015
 So I love making a budget. It is pretty exciting to plot out how we’re going to save up enough for that next big trip or new furniture. And when you plan things out a year or 18 months in advance, you get to see that savings number grow and grow. Fun, right? Of course, then you have to come back to the present day, and that number isn’t nearly as impressive. In fact, it’s downright small. It’s not easy to keep your enthusiasm for saving high for a year or more when your only motivation is a spreadsheet, and that’s why I was so excited when I came across what I think is a pretty cool idea for tracking a savings goal.


The basic concept is to take a picture of what you’re saving for and break it into pieces. Then you go all color by numbers on it, but instead of choosing what color to use based on the number, you get to color a piece of the picture every time you hit a certain amount in your saving goal. I have a picture of an outdoor furniture set that I’d love to add to our backyard, and every time I’m able to save $25, I color in a piece of the picture. Once the whole picture is colored, I will have saved enough to collect my reward. It definitely makes it easier to stay focused on my goal.

I know this would work for getting out of debt too. Suppose you have $5000 in credit card debt. Find an abstract picture you like, break it into a grid, and get those markers ready! It kind of reminds me of the sticker charts in elementary school, sure, but it does work, and it’s fun, and here’s the most important part…it’s visual. I’ve also found that this is a great method for teaching children about saving, if for no other reason than they refuse to let mom color without them! My kids all have their own pictures to color in at this point, and I sense a trip to the toy aisle is in the not so distant future.

I have to give my friends at Afena Federal Credit Union applause for this tip on how to save. Nikita also helped me set up automatic transfers into my different club accounts, which is just another way to make saving as easy as possible. Out of sight is out of mind when it comes to my checking account funds. So what’s your savings goal? Paying down debt or saving for a down payment on a house? Whatever it is, I wish you the best of luck. Stop by Afena, they’d be glad to help, and they might even give you a picture to color! I’m Claire, the Afena blog mom. Thanks for reading.