Making Mom Cry: The Mother's Day I'm Always Making up For

Claire the Afena Mom Blog

Making Mom Cry: The Mother's Day I'm Always Making up For

May 10, 2015

It’s Mother’s Day, and the older I get, the more I appreciate my mom, both the mom I have today and the mom she was while I was growing up. You know how your mom would always tell you “one day you’ll understand if you have kids”? It’s true! This is why I’m terrified of the approaching teenage years, because my mom is always right, and I have some serious karma waiting for me just around the corner.

I remember one Mother’s Day in particular. I was a teenager and had a card ready for Mom, but for whatever reason, most of the day had passed without me giving it to her. Or saying Happy Mother’s Day. Or being the grateful and loving child that she deserved. I’m not sharing this story so that you’ll know what an inconsiderate jerk I was when I was younger (although this is not one of my most flattering moments), but because I learned from it. While my mom was making dinner on Mother’s Day, I somehow took it into my head to argue with her about something. I don’t remember what, but considering my actions throughout the day, it was probably something trivial. And that was the point at which my mom had HAD IT. She was DONE. I still remember this with a cringe and the urge to smack myself, but I made her cry. And she reminded me that, by the way, it’s Mother’s Day, and NOBODY had mentioned that yet. And despite the fact that I did know it was Mother’s Day, that I had in fact purchased a card earlier in the month and had intended to be loving and grateful to this wonderful woman on this very special day, I learned that day that intentions aren’t worth much if you don’t act on them. And making your mom cry is just about the worst thing you can do and you will feel about the size of a gnat if you do it.

So, on this Mother’s Day, remember to let your mom, grandma, aunts, and other important women know that you love them and appreciate them. If you’re a mom, take a moment and know that the work you do every day to raise human beings is worthy of the highest praise. And if your mom is no longer with us, remember that she’s always that voice in your heart that lets you know when you’re doing things right. I am still blessed to have a wonderful and beautiful mom, and you’d better believe that she hears about it early and often. So Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I’m Claire, the Afena blog mom. Thanks for reading.