Bring on the New Year...But First Let's Take a Look Back at 2014

Claire the Afena Mom Blog

Bring on the New Year...But First Let's Take a Look Back at 2014

Dec 28, 2014
 This time next week I’ll be on my path to achieving New Year’s Resolution glory! I’ll be counting calories, dropping pounds, and hitting the gym. I’ll be building a budget that will get my family to Disney and my husband and I to retirement at the same time. Probably, literally, at the same time. Disney can be expensive.  I’ll be cleaning the house on a schedule and conquering dust bunnies on a regular basis. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. So this week, I’ve decided to celebrate the end of the year with a little laziness and relaxation. It’s cold outside, and I have a fire, coffee, and kiddoes to keep me warm. And it’s giving me some time to reflect back on how far we’ve come since January 2014.


In 2014, me and the hubby celebrated seven years of marital bliss by replacing our roof and our air conditioner. Romantic? No. But necessary, and I’m grateful today that we were able to work with Afena and take care of our home.

In 2014, my baby girl started pre-school and took her first hesitant flight away from the nest to join her classmates for 3 hours away from home at a time. Sure, the hesitation was mostly mine, but it was a big step…for all of us.

In 2014, my oldest girl started Kindergarten, started reading, and is really starting to become her own person. She has ideas and opinions all her own, and while some of her reasoning might be just plain adorable, seeing her grow takes my breath away.

In 2014, my little man started walking, dancing, jumping, laughing, playing, and creating messes that rival the Tasmanian Devil in all their splendor. My girls are my little angels, and little man is a belly laugh rolled in sunshine with a side of mischief.

In short, adventures await with the wonderful people I’m lucky enough to call family. And finally, in 2014, I started this journey with this blog and with you who take the time to read every week. I can’t wait to share more adventures in 2015. I’m Claire, the Afena blog mom. Thanks for reading.