Christmas Eve: Staying Awake and Listening for Reindeer

Claire the Afena Mom Blog

Christmas Eve: Staying Awake and Listening for Reindeer

Dec 21, 2014
 It’s almost Christmas. We’ve shopped, we’ve decorated, we’ve looked at the lights. We’ve pet reindeer and visited Santa. We’ve made Christmas cookies, hung Christmas stockings, and sung Christmas carols. It’s been a fun month, and I’m in shock that the much anticipated holiday is THIS WEEK. After being good all year, the kiddoes are all eagerly awaiting Christmas Eve, when I’m sure at least one of them will be staying up to wait on Santa.


Christmas Eve has always been a special night at our house. Me and the hubby both have traditions from when we were kids that we want to continue with our own children. We always open a Christmas Eve special delivery box from Santa that has new pjs, a bedtime story, and hot chocolate mix. We always sing “Silent Night” with the lights turned off and only the Christmas tree glowing before bed. Our three kids all settle down together in one bed, ready to giggle, keep each other awake, and catch the jolly man in the act. We’ll check on them thirty minutes later and they’ll all be sound asleep, dreaming about flying reindeer and candy filled stockings.

I remember my own Christmas Eves as a child, staying up late with my older brother, listening for reindeer hooves on the roof. It’s a magical night, and one that I am looking forward this year, as all three of our children are looking forward to the next morning. Even little man can sense the excitement, even if he doesn’t’ quite grasp why his big sisters are barely contained bundles of glee. I can’t wait for Thursday morning, but for me, I’ve already received my Christmas gift. I get to wake up on Christmas in a happy home with a loving family and watch them open presents that my husband and I were able to save up for with an Afena Christmas Club account, just in time for Santa to deliver them with his sleigh and reindeer. I get to sit down to a Christmas feast, complete with family, friends, and funny stories around our dining room table. I’m able to share my stories and memories with anyone who cares to read this blog every week, and I get to hear stories from other people in my community. So when Santa stops by our house Wednesday night, he’ll be dropping off presents and filling stockings, but he can cross this mom off his list a little bit early. I’m Claire, the Afena blog mom. Thanks for reading.