Putting Money Away (Paying Yourself First) When There's Nothing Left to Save

Retiring Tina

Putting Money Away (Paying Yourself First) When There's Nothing Left to Save

Apr 18, 2016

I’ve said it a million times if I’ve said it once. Put money away. Save 10 percent of your income. Fund your 401(k) plan. Pay yourself first. Establish a nest-egg. Spend less than you earn.

But what if you can’t?

What if you simply don’t make it from one pay check to the next on a month-by-month basis? How are you supposed to “save” when there isn’t enough money to pay the bills in the first place?

We’ve all been there at some point in our lives. When I started working, I was so giddy to have my own money coming in that I didn’t think too much about saving any back. That’s a bad habit that can stick with you, which is why I had such a rude wakeup call when talking to my financial advisor as I neared 40. I also felt like I didn’t have any extra to save back for retirement, but unless I was okay with less travel, fewer luxuries, and a longer wait for retirement than I was hoping for, there was no option—I had to start saving more.

If you’re faced with this situation, here are several solutions, depending upon what’s holding you back. In an honest moment, ask yourself which of the solutions apply to your situation. Once you’ve figured that out, it’s (just!) a matter of taking the steps to resolve whatever it is that’s making it impossible to save.

1. Too much spent on little things. That overpriced coffee in the morning or lunch at McDonalds three times a week really CAN make a difference. A small hole can sink a big ship. Keep track of your spending for seven consecutive days. If you don’t like what you see, take 10 percent off the top before anything else, pay all your bills, and give yourself some pocket money from whatever is left over.

2. Too much spent on big things. Perhaps you’re careful with the day-to-day expenses, but are carrying a huge mortgage on a house that’s now too large for your needs…or perhaps it always was. Maybe your insurance or long distance phone bills could be much cheaper. Take a look at the big expenses and see if you can find unnecessary (but maybe very much desired) holes in the ship.

3. Too much debt. You may feel that the best use of your money right now is getting out of debt. However, if your only focus is paying off the high-interest credit cards, what happens if you hit a bump in the road and need cash? You borrow again. So instead of putting as much as you can spare toward paying down debt, set aside at least a small percentage of your income toward savings and put as much as you can after that toward debt. It’s a good habit that will ensure you won’t have to borrow in case of an emergency, and it will get you ready for the debt-free days ahead when you’ll be able to save a full 10 percent.

4. Waiting to see what’s left after paying everyone else. If you do this, there will NEVER be anything left to put away. It’s human nature to spend everything you have…and then some. Pay yourself before you pay anyone else or you won’t pay yourself at all.

5. You’re not earning enough. Most people will quickly decide this is the category they fit into, but take a minute to evaluate this: do you have a job? Are you paying your rent or mortgage? Utility bills? Are there any luxuries, big or small, that you’re paying for? This is really a temporary category for those newly unemployed or those who have had a recent change in circumstances, such as a new baby or other additional household responsibilities. In this case, your only answer is more income. However, if your ship is sinking for any other reason, increased income will not resolve the issue.

Bottom line? Take something off the top. Even if you have to start with as little as 3 percent, you’ll naturally cut back on unnecessary expenses and have financial security to show for it.